Allison Arieff called out ‘witness protection modernism’ in a twitter reply the other day - very inline with the Adult Dorm motif. Also funny that you and Hola Papi focused on humiliation themes in the same week.

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o o p our minds wow!!!!

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‘Generica’ is what I like to call these forebearers to this phenomenon you mention; the strip malls of every town now being made up of the TJ Maxxes and Faster Food places, built with same beige stucco and brown triangle or square wall hangings. Comfortable and boring.

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oh this is GREAT and very “this”: it’s a thing!! comfortable and boring is exactly it!!

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Great article, btw. Thanks for putting an eye on it. The subject just fascinates me. Your reasoning about commercialization instead of actual urban planning is spot on. And so sad.

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This articulated what I've been noticing, but couldn't describe: "Growth, disposability, and lack-of-flavor has turned the city into a bridge and tunnel, instead of the city being a place where people bridge and tunnel into."

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